CGGI (Cheon-Gentry-Goldwasser-Ishai) Scheme

The CGGI scheme, proposed by Cheon, Gentry, Goldwasser, and Ishai, is a homomorphic encryption scheme that enhances efficiency through bootstrapping.

Key Components

  1. Secret Key Generation: The secret key is generated based on the LWE (Learning with Errors) problem.
  2. Public Key Generation: The public key is composed of the secret key and LWE samples.
  3. Encryption: Encrypts messages to generate LWE ciphertexts.
  4. Decryption: Decrypts the ciphertexts to restore the original message.

Homomorphic Operations

The CGGI scheme supports complex operations efficiently through effective bootstrapping.

  • Homomorphic Addition: Performed through the addition of LWE samples.
  • Homomorphic Multiplication: Executed through the multiplication of LWE samples while maintaining efficiency via bootstrapping.